08 6186 3785 info@plexushealth.com.au
Share Price: NSX.PL1
  • $0.20 $0.00 0%


Plexus Healthcare Ltd Share Offer to Open on 1 September 2020

Plexus Healthcare Ltd has lodged a Prospectus with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in relation to an initial public offering of its shares.

The Offer opens at 9am on 1 September 2020. This Offer is expected to remain open until 5pm AEDT on 19 October 2020. The Company reserves the right to vary the dates and time of the Offer, including to close the Offer early or to accept late Applications (either generally or in particular cases) without notification. Find out more about Plexus Healthcare Ltd by visiting www.plexushealth.com.au

Important Dates


Event  Date
Lodgement of the Prospectus with ASIC  19th December, 2019
Expiry of Exposure Period 1st of February, 2020
Offer opening date 1st of January, 2020
Offer closing date 1st of February, 2020


Key Offer Details


Offer Price $0.20 per Share
Number of Shares offered under the Offer Up to 5,000,000
Gross proceeds from the Public Offer $0.5 million to $1 million
Number of Shares issued to Convertible Note
Total number of Shares on issue at Completion of the Offer Between $1M and $2M depending on the level
of subscriptions
Market capitalisation at the Offer Price  $1M to $2M